Commercial real estate signage

Here are some key principles for laying out signage for commercial real estate:

  1. Create a consistent system. Employing a coordinated signage system with consistent typeface, color, material and styling gives the development a cohesive visual identity. It makes navigation intuitive for visitors and reinforces the project's brand image. Consistency should extend to digital signage, environmental graphics and marketing materials.
  2. Enable clear wayfinding. Strategically locate signage at key decision points to guide visitors smoothly through the space. Provide clear direction to points of entry/exit, amenities, parking, and numbered/named buildings. Simplicity and minimalism make a wayfinding system highly functional.
  3. Consider sightlines and adjacencies. Place signage where it is most visible and convenient, taking surrounding architecture and landscaping into account. Ensure each sign is clearly seen and readable from relevant points of approach and passage through the space. Adjacency to what the sign is identifying or directing visitors to is also important.
  4. Determine appropriate scale. Vary the scale of signage based on its purpose and location. Larger scale is suited to site entrances, building IDs and anchor destinations. Progressively smaller scale is appropriate as visitors navigate into the interior of buildings and spaces. The scale of each sign should correspond to its level of importance in the overall wayfinding hierarchy.
  5. Allow for sponsorship exposure. Certain high-visibility signage locations, such as site entrances, major junctions and building directories, provide an opportunity for commercial sponsorship and advertising. However, sponsor signage must adhere to strict guidelines regarding size, placement and design to avoid visual clutter or distraction. It should be well integrated into the overall signage system.
  6. Consider accessibility and visibility. Ensure the layout accounts for easy access, visibility and legibility of signage for those with disabilities or impairments. Approaches, surfaces, fixtures and illumination should support the needs of diverse users. Certain signage may require braille, tactile maps or audio information to be fully accessible.  

In summary, a cohesive and well-planned signage layout is key to enabling an effortless visitor experience of commercial real estate. Simplicity, scale, sightlines and inclusiveness are all important factors to keep in mind. The layout directly impacts wayfinding, brand expression, sponsorship potential and accessibility for a wide range of users. A skillful balance of these elements creates a functional yet visually compelling signage system.